Post by Chiyaa on Jan 10, 2012 11:26:52 GMT -8
nobody likes rules, but they're a necessary evil, I'm afraid. So! here we go. Know them. Follow them. Love them.
- this is a multi-fandom roleplay based on BBC Sherlock, Doctor Who, and Supernatural. Therefore, expect spoilers for all three and please have at least a basic knowledge of each before joining. (A wikipedia knowledge is acceptable.)
- This site's rating is PG-13. That means moderate levels of violence, language, and sexual content. It also means that while you should be appropriately prepared, you must also not post anything too graphic. If you really must, please put a warning in the thread title.
- play nicely! No trolling, flaming, picking fights, whatever. It's annoying and it will get you banned.
- one account per person. You can have multiple characters per account. You cannot create a new account for each character. It screws with the board statistics and makes it really hard for me to remember who's who.
- no chatspeak in threads, please. It's fine in the cbox, but not in threads and especially not in-character.
- to that end, please check your spelling and grammar before you post. If you don't I will probably snipe at you. You have been warned.
- again to that end, I reserve the right to be nitpicky on profile forms. I will offer corrections and feel no remorse no matter how butthurt you are!
- If you look down below all those little buttons you'll see a word count meter ticking away as you type. That's there because there's a 100 word minimum for in-character posts. (Come on, people, that's not that much. That's like half a page, double-spaced.) Out-of-character posts have no word minimum.
- canons are first-come first-serve
[/li][li] as previously mentioned, you can have multiple characters. As of right now, there is no character limit, but this is subject to change without warning. Rule of thumb: reread the rules each time you make a new character, just to be sure.
[/li][li] you may reserve a face claim for at most three days before your profile is completed. Once a played-by is claimed, no one else may use him or her, and face claims, like canons, are first-come-first-serve.
[/li][li] please wait until your character is accepted before adding them to your signature/roleplaying as them/generally behaving as if they've been accepted...
[/li][li] ...and don't bug the admins if they don't accept your profile right away. We'll do it. Really! But I'm a busy person. It's why I need more staff.
[/li][li] No godmodes, Mary-Sues, whatever. They're really annoying. When in doubt, ask a senior member, or run 'em through the Mary Sue Litmus Test.
- you may start/enter as many threads as you can reasonably keep up! The more activity, the better!
- If you want a thread to be private, say so in the title. Otherwise it will be assumed open.
- similarly, if a thread is to contain violence/sex/strong language, put a warning in the title or in big letters at the start of the post. Unmarked threads that don't obey this rule are subject to deletion without warning. Not all of us have been deflowered by the internet, after all.
- If you're new, don't be shy! Step in! I will do my best to have one open thread going at all times, and everyone's always welcome!
- please respect the staff, even if they're not an administrator. I made them staff for a reason. Just because they didn't create the board doesn't mean they don't have power.
- If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, feel free to voice them! I'm friendly! I might be a bit of a grammar nazi, but I don't bite!
- This site is open to people of all experience levels but has a high literacy rating. That means if you've never roleplayed before but know how to use a gerund, you're completely good to go! And if you're confused, again, ask! That's what I'm here for, after all.
- Have fun! And yes, that is a rule.
that's it at the moment! If I think of something else, I'll let you know, but other than that, I think we're good!